What a Meniscus Tear is and What You can do About it
General Information about Meniscus Tear:
- There are two menisci in each knee, which are pieces of cartilage that act as a shock absorbers between your shin bone and your thigh bone.
- Meniscus tears are a common injury and can happen to anyone at any age. It is often caused by forcefully twisting or rotating the knee, but can also occur with degeneration over time.
- Signs and symptoms include: knee pain, swelling, stiffness, difficulty fully straightening or bending your knee, and/or a catching or locking sensation.
Physical Therapy Can Help You By:
- Avoiding surgery or preparing you before surgery (“pre-hab”) to help speed up your recovery time after surgery.
- Ensuring a full recovery after surgery.
- Reducing pain and swelling with the use of manual techniques and/or modalities.
- Restoring range of motion and strength.
- Developing an individualized plan for stretching and strengthening muscles around the knee to increase stability and help support the knee joint.
Exercise to try:
- Heel Slides (pictured above): Lying on your back with your legs straight, slide the heel of your affected leg toward your buttock as you bend your knee. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then return to starting position. Repeat 10 times and complete 3 times a day.
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