Six simple things to try in 2019 to help manage your pain without taking medications or having surgery:
Just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with taking medication or having surgery when it is needed! The miracles of modern medicine have brought us jaw-dropping advances in healthcare, and there is no reason we should not take advantage of these advances when it is appropriate!
But, as wondrous as all of these miracles are, they don’t even come close to being as effective as the body’s own ability to prevent injury and to heal itself. The human body is a masterpiece that is infinitely more complex than anything we mere mortals have ever created, so don’t be so quick to tinker with it.
We suggest you try the following before opting for medications or having surgery to relieve chronic musculoskeletal and/or neuropathic pain:
1. Get your heart rate up. Talk about a miracle drug! Exercising (even light exercise!) for 30 minutes per day is good for your muscles, bones and almost everything else related to your health. Are you a little stiff? Maybe you simply need to move more throughout the day. Make simple changes like parking a little farther away at the grocery store. However, if exercise causes you pain, don’t do it. Consult with us first!
2. Get plenty of sleep. We have so many demands on our time—family, career, errands, etc. — that we often sacrifice sleep. Did you know that lack of sleep is linked to an increased vulnerability to pain? Proper sleep is the ultimate rejuvenator and self-healer, so don’t skimp on it!
3. Stay positive. We know this is easier said than done, but stress can cause tight muscles and tight muscles can cause pain. If you adjust your facial expression to portray a specific emotion, you’ll actually begin to feel that emotion. Give it a try, and don’t forget that smiling is contagious! Don’t think twice about seeking professional help if needed.
4. Quit smoking and drink less. Smoking and/or alcohol consumption can cause and contribute to joint pain, as well as all kinds of other problems. Before taking a drug to reduce your pain, consider getting off of drugs such as nicotine and alcohol, which are known to cause or contribute to pain.
5. Keep your weight in check. This is another one that is easier said than done, but nevertheless could be a root cause of your pain. Losing even a few pounds could take just enough pressure off your joints to allow you to feel better.
6. Visit us at Regain Physical Therapy! We’ve helped thousands of your friends and neighbors feel better without medications and/or surgery, and we can likely help you too! You don’t need a prescription from a doctor; just call us and set up and appointment. We are open early mornings, late evenings, and Saturdays!
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